Remediation of Land SEPP Public Consultation Now Open
For almost 20 years, the State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) for the Remediation of Land 'SEPP 55' and the associated 'Managing Contaminated Land Planning Guidelines' have provided the planning framework for the management of contaminated land in NSW.
Now the guidelines have been reviewed and an Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for a new SEPP prepared, as part of a review program by the NSW Government.
Sheep dips can be source of agricultural land contamination.
The EIE sets out how the proposed SEPP will:
provide a state–wide planning framework for the remediation of land;
require consent authorities to consider the potential for land to be contaminated when determining development applications;
clearly list the remediation works that require development consent; and
introduce certification and operational requirements for remediation works that can be undertaken without development consent.
​The new Planning Guidelines and EIE have been released for public consultation. You can read the guidelines and lodge a submission to the Department of Planning and Environment here.
SMK Consultants is experienced in the interpretation of environmental policy and legislation, and is well-placed to provide insightful critiques on proposed planning guidelines and environmental management systems.
If you would like assistance in interpreting the Planning Guidelines and EIE, and/or assistance in preparing a submission, contact SMK Consultants today on (02) 6752 1021.